IN REMEMBRANCE: Terri Zeh Jacobson
My close friend Terri Zeh Jacobson passed away on 3.24.11 in the late afternoon after a 3 year battle with cancer. She was 47 years old.
I’m so thankful that I had gone to visit her in early February when she asked me to “come play with me” after the Mayo clinic gave her 8 weeks to live. Sadly they were correct.
As I had promised her then, I went to Minnesota on Tuesday night to help her husband and company with the transition and to attend the Remembrance Service.
I’d like to share a little about the event with you. The service portion was beautiful. It was held in the sanctuary at the Temple of Eck, an amazing building with a gold pyramid roof in the middle of a forested area of Western Minneapolis. The minister who married Teri and Steve 23 years ago conducted the service. A guitarist played as we entered and a friend of Terri’s sang Amazing Grace. 3 friends shared about Terri and her love for life and deep devotion to her clients and her family.
After the service there was a lovely reception in the social hall with Terri’s favorite carrot cake and tea and an open mike. For 45 wonderful minutes people walked up to the mike and shared about how Terri had touched their lives, clients, friends, family and more (including Cathy and me). Good thing I brought Kleenex!
For those of you who did not have the honor of knowing Terri, and for those who did, here is a link to the Memorial Page.
Let me share some photos from the event with you. We start with flowers from our partners. I didn’t photograph the beautiful family flowers in purple and white. So sorry I can’t share them with you.
At the entrance to the Sanctuary was a table and several posters with pictures of Terri:
For those of you who did not have the honor of knowing Terri, and for those who did, here is a link to the Memorial Page.