As a member of the board of advisors of The One Life Alliance, as a survivor of the Mumbai Terror Attacks and as one deeply inspired by the life and actions of Kia Scherr, widow of Alan Scherr and mother of Naomi Scherr who were killed in the Mumbai terror attacks 11.26.08, I have taken on this project to raise the funds needed to get the short film, Letter to a Terrorist, out to film festivals around the globe and to the Oscars.
Doing this will give Kia added leverage and publicity, as well as a moving vehicle that she can use in her presentations on peace in action to schools, companies, embassies and world leaders.
The film was a finalist in the World Youth Day film festival in Brazil, and attended by the Pope. It was shown at the Cannes Film Festival. It has been selected for Spirits of the Earth Film Festival in Torino, Italy. India and Germany have selected it for several film festivals. And it will be shown in September in Los Angeles to qualify for the Oscars (see below for dates and location). And there are more festivals to enter. And many of these festivals want Kia to appear and speak.
I was deeply touched today.
I don’t know what else I can say …
I heard your voice … I saw images on a screen … I cried … I felt everything …Aaron Levy, our sound editor, upon completing the DCP audio transfer To do this, we need to raise $5,000 for HDCam and DCP tapes (official formats for qualifying films) and to pay for the theater run in LA. We need to send Kia to the festivals to speak her message of peace and we may need to do other marketing related projects.
ME: Because I survived and became more than I was before. Because of my lifelong commitment to peace, love and communication.
You have a connection to me, thru family, business, friendship, Mumbai and/or spirituality
You share my belief in this cause.
You know that you have the ability to make a difference with your financial contribution, no matter how small or how large.
My prayer is that you will be inspired to give between $10 and $500 each. (enough to be meaningful and yet not a burden to you) and that we will raise 5,000 by November 30, 2013. Scroll to the bottom for HOW TO contribute.
From Kia
This short film has the potential to reach an international audience with a message of love and forgiveness as a response to an act of terror. If we answer hatred with love, terrorism ceases to be.
But what does it mean to ‘love’ in the face of terror?
That is why we founded One Life Alliance – to create practical ways to raise the peace index of the world through education about the power of peace. We have developed 30 ways to live in peace, compassion and love in our everyday lives.
With the use of the film we will speak to schools, synagogues, churches, mosques, businesses and governments. This film will serve to open many doors and will inspire people to connect in new ways so that peace will prevail on earth.
One Life Alliance web site: www.onelifealliance.orgABOUT PARTHIBAN SHANMUGAN, the filmmaker
I am an award winning independent filmmaker based in Atlanta. In the past my films were shown in well known prestigious film festivals like Cannes & others. Many of my films own numerous awards & are taught in Ivy league schools (John Hopkins, Temple, Harvard) across America & Europe.
My current project “A Letter to a Terrorist” was an accidental film which was shot in 40 minutes in Mumbai. Now it’s reached even to the Pope’s heart! The movie is one of the final 4 films that will be shown to estimated audience of 2,500,000 along with the Pope in this July at World Youth Day celebrations in Rio.
The film is accepted in several other films festivals around the globe. The film had its premiere at Cannes 2013.
I was originally drawn into do the story of “forgiveness” after reading the story of Kia & others in the Washington Post. However, I pondered over 4 years & finally this year I started to make the feature film “Unshakable”. It’s my own journey to understand the meaning of forgiveness. Although I am no way affected by this Mumbai terrorist attack, still I am not able to forgive those terrorists. I was amazed by the act of Kia and all the others and I decided to find out what & how these people are able to forgive these deadly terrorists even after losing their limbs & life!
If they can do so, everyone of us will be able to. If we all do, then this world will be wonderful place.
So I embarked with my credit cards travelled to VA, TN, Canada and Mumbai and shot the stories. As I mentioned in the beginning, I accidentally shot “A Letter to a Terrorist” and now it’s become history.
Link to the Letter to a Terrorist film Facebook Page (including a trailer for the film):
Link to Parthi’s production company website:
Link to trailer for Unshakeable (feature length film about Mumbai attacks) Warning. This may be difficult to watch.!
1. Log on to ONE LIFE ALLIANCE’s web site to donate via VISA or MasterCard:
2. Mail a check to ONE LIFE ALLIANCE, 2610 Adial Rd, Faber VA 22938
One Life Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization and all donations are tax deductible.
One Life Alliance is dedicated to raising the Global Peace Index by collaborating with communities, schools, organizations and businesses. Founded in 2009, One Life Alliance is a response to the terrorist attacks in 2008 which took the lives of Alan and Naomi Scherr, family of founder Kia Scherr. Through our powerful message of compassion, forgiveness and respect for life, we seek to improve the peace index using a tool of a 30 day pledge to honor and respect the dignity of life.
Attend the screenings for Academy Consideration for the Oscars (Short Film, Live Action)
September 3 – 5 at the Landmark’s Nuart Theater in West Los Angeles. I will be attending on Sept 3rd in the afternoon, let me know if you are coming too! You can get directions, parking information and buy tickets on line here!